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Jennifer & Kevin McCoy

Phase Diagram #2

Video (AI, photography, collage)
02:00 min
Edition: 1 of 1
9.900,00 €excl. VAT
Payment options: credit card, PayPal, Klarna, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Ethereum, USDC, Polygon & BNB

In geology, the term phase diagram describes graphical representations of the physical states of a substance under conditions of temperature and pressure.

In the series PHASE DIAGRAMS, Jennifer & Kevin McCoy use StableDiffusion, a deep learning, text-to-image AI, to generate detailed images from text descriptions. They begin by creating forms that echo silhouettes of geological formations, and then proceed to activate distinct elements of each collage with image processing.

The layers of images of rocks, mountains, water, and sky appear like striations across the screen, with each layer scanning through an image chosen from databases of AI-developed source images. Here, established media processes like photography and collage are juxtaposed with the swiftly developing technology of AI, and the landscapes reflect back this AI illustration of the natural world that exists in the uncanny valley of distant memory.