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Herbert W. Franke


Bespoke Generative System
01:24 min
Edition of 454
46,13 €excl. VAT
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In 2021, Herbert W. Franke and Harry Yeff started a conversation about the concept of VOICE GEMS and an audio-visual collaboration. Franke suggested using the lyrics of ASTROPOETICON because they are a minimalist and associative approach to language that could have been created by an AI. These lyrics were frozen as gemstones, the VOICE GEMS ASTROPOETICON, created by Herbert W. Franke, Harry Yeff, Trung Bao and an AI. (The first three 1/1s have been minted and collected in 2021.)

The lyrics used for the VOICE GEMS ASTROPOETICON (DESTINATION IN UNCERTAINTY) belong to a cycle of 16 poems called ASTROPOETICON. Written by Franke in 1979 to be published in a book alongside artworks by German space artist Andreas Nottebohm, he voiced them on the occasion of his 80th birthday in 2007.

Every voice is unique, and with that comes unique fingerprint-like data that can be used for bespoke and human centred generative design. Harry Yeff (aka REEPS100) and Trung Bao have developed a voice-centred generative system utilising data found in a human voice to synthesise the artworks’ form and colour. Features like pitch, resonance, harmonics and pace sculpt 200 000 particle data points in a simulated digital space. The VOICE GEMS series is a vibrant, unprecedented meditation highlighting remarkable and influential voices. Each VOICE GEM is added to the VOICE GEMS: 1000 Year archive.

Herbert W. Franke (1927–2022) was a pioneer of computer art who anticipated the metaverse. For several decades, he separated three lives: the caver and scientist; the artist and curator; and the science fiction author. In the early 1950s, caving led him to experiment with light and technology. He kept his curiosity throughout his life; it was his drive to examine new technologies for their artistic potential. His pioneering spirit made him one of the first computer artists who was more than six decades ahead of his time. In 1979, he co-founded Ars Electronica. Franke has been called “the most prominent German science fiction writer” by Die Zeit, and a “short story fireworker” by the FAZ. In 2022, his first NFT Drop MATH ART sold out within 30 seconds on Quantum, and he was the headliner at the Tezos Booth at Art Basel with MONDRIAN, a work from 1979. Herbert W. Franke died on July 16, 2022, at the age of 95, leaving behind an extensive oeuvre.

Presented by EXPANDED.ART in collaboration with art meets science – Foundation Herbert W. Franke and ELEMENTUM.ART on the occasion of Herbert W. Franke’s solo show CODED BEAUTY at EXPANDED.ART in Berlin. The art meets science – Foundation Herbert W. Franke will use their portion of the sales for a designated purpose: translating significant texts by Herbert W. Franke to English and making them publicly available.


Destination in uncertainty
solar sail unfolded
ride on the ion beam
home port: beyond space and time
sensors, directed to the void
signals from the dark field
circuits on hold
ice crystals in the cells
veins without blood
memory wiped out
the past: obliterated
existence between dream and death
will there be an awakening?
will there be any hope?
in front: clouds and cosmic dust
behind it maybe
a galaxy
star systems, suns
planets bathed in warmth and light -
wake-up call from the tape
uncharted territory!
behind it, perhaps:
a void

Ziel im Ungewissen
Sonnensegel aufgespannt
Ritt auf dem Ionenstrahl
Heimathafen: Jenseits von Raum und Zeit
Sensoren, ins Leere gerichtet
Signale aus dem Dunkelfeld
Schaltkreise in Wartestellung
Eiskristalle in den Zellen
die Adern ohne Blut
die Erinnerung getilgt
die Vergangenheit erloschen
Dasein zwischen Traum und Tod
ob es ein Erwachen gibt?
ob Hoffnung besteht?
vorn: Wolken und kosmischer Staub
dahinter vielleicht
eine Galaxis
Sternsysteme, Sonnen
Planeten, gebadet in Wärme und Licht –
Weckruf vom Tonband:
dahinter vielleicht: